The Indonesia Global Gateway (IGG) System submarine cable is a high-speed fiber-optic communications cable that connects Indonesia to the global internet network. The system is a joint project between Indonesian telecommunication company PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) and Singapore-based Singtel and is designed to improve internet connectivity and telecommunications services in Indonesia.
The IGG System spans over 5,300 kilometers and connects the cities of Dumai, Batam, Jakarta, Madura, Bali, and Makassar in Indonesia to the international submarine cable networks in Singapore. The cable has a total capacity of 100 Gbps and provides high-speed data and voice communication services to businesses and individuals in Indonesia.
The IGG System was launched in 2018 after two years of construction and is one of the largest and most advanced submarine cable systems in Southeast Asia. The system's advanced technology ensures reliable and high-quality internet connectivity and telecommunications services for the people of Indonesia, making it an important infrastructure for the country's economic and social development.